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Intellij vs vscode

match) in Inline Variable refactoring (by Fix type inference if there are dependencies named the same as stdlib crates #8269 Correctly parenthesize block-like expressions (e.g. #8279 Fix resolve of imports inside detached files #8297 Fix default parameters handling in Wrong number of type arguments inspection To turn it on, enable .build.scripts and experimental features Note, procedural macro expansion is still under development, and it’s disabled by default for now. #8318 Expand proc macros from dev-dependencies. #8334 Don’t perform project model reloading when another IDE project become trusted #8362 Do not produce a false-positive error about missing format macro arguments without format_args_capture feature starting with 1.58 #8286 Don’t show auto-import from auxiliary stdlib crates such as unwind #8288 Fix auto-import from alloc crate when using #! #8291 Improve sorting of auto-import variants It allows resolving macros 2.0 declared inside function bodies #8119 Enable new name resolution inside functions bodies.

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To turn it on, enable .build.scripts experimental feature Note, build script evaluation is disabled by default for now.

#Intellij vs vscode code

#8323 Process available items generated by build script and expand available procedural macro calls even if the whole project host code (build scripts and procedural macro libraries) cannot be successfully compiled and executed. #8335 Do not run non-syntax inspections on files disabled by cfg attributes #8289 Prioritize expressions that can be implicitly coerced to the expected type when suggesting completion variants #6353 Detect Const cannot refer to static E0013 compiler error (by Detect E0747 compiler error

intellij vs vscode

#8284 Provide completion for out-of-scope items when invoked at an empty place (by Ctrl+ Space). #8315 Complete the second path segment if the first segment is unresolved but can be imported. #8132 Add Extract trait refactoring ( Refactor | Extract trait)

intellij vs vscode

The external linter settings were moved to Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Rust | External Linters Also, the widget shows a notification when linter significantly affects the code analysis performance. Widget indicates whether the linter is turned on. #8018 Add a widget for the external linter. What's new IntelliJ Rust Changelog #163 New Features

Intellij vs vscode